Building the Gadgetron

The Gadgetron source code is available on GitHub. The maintainers of the code build the Gadgetron in a conda environment to ensure that we are explicit about which versions of dependencies we use, etc. You can follow the same workflow:

Setting up a development environment

The Gadgetron project uses conda to manage dependencies. To set up a build environment, make sure you have conda installed and then:

conda env create -f environment.yml

Then activate the environment with:

conda activate gadgetron

and you are ready to work with the Gadgetron codebase.

Building in conda environment

In the conda environment (see above), you can build with:

git clone
cd gadgetron
mkdir -p build
cd build
ninja install

Running end to end tests

After building and installing the Gadgetron, it is recommended to run the end to end tests:

cd test/integration
python --echo-log-on-failure --timeout=600 -F --stats stats.csv cases/*

Building Docker images

The Gadgetron project also uses Docker images for building and distributing the Gadgetron. The Dockerfile at the root of the repo provides multiple build stages for the different types (dev or rt) and flavors (cuda or nocuda) of images that you may want to use. Use the convenience script to build the images, e.g.:

./build-images --type dev --flavor cuda

for a CUDA development image. See ./ --help for details.

The images provided should look like:

The dev (development) images contain all the dependencies needed to build the Gadgetron but not the actual Gadgetron binaries. The rt (runtime) images contain a working version of the Gadgetron but without the dependencies needed to build.

To run the Gadgetron:

docker run --gpus=all -ti -p 9004:9002

This will run the GPU enabled version of the Gadgetron and expose it on port 9004.

Using a devcontainer for development

The repository has a .devcontainer configuration for use with the VS Code Remote. Open the Gadgetron folder in VS Code and make sure you have the Remote-Containers extension installed. The extension should prompt you to reopen in a devcontainer, which will have all the dependences and tools needed for Gadgetron development.